Which perennial flowers to choose for the garden: useful tips for gardeners

23.07.2024 17:00

Many plants will grow in your garden for many years.

Which perennial flowers to choose for growing in the garden

You can choose crocuses for your garden.

These small flowers are almost the very first to appear in the garden and disappear only in May.

Their dormant period begins in mid-June.

You can also grow phlox in the garden - bright flowers that bloom for a long time.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, experienced gardeners recommend echinacea, valerian, sage, gypsophila, mallow, and dahlias as perennial plants.

These plants amaze with the variety of shades and shapes of their petals.

You can also choose beautiful perennial garden flowers such as peonies and roses.

Peonies always bloom magnificently in early June, delighting with huge lush inflorescences.

Roses come in different shapes, colors and sizes. You can choose a plant suitable for your garden.

Also among the perennial plants for the garden, irises, asters, lilies, primrose and rudbeckia are often distinguished.

All these flowers will delight you for many seasons with their bright colors.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource