How to care for violets so that they bloom: housewives' mistakes in spring

26.04.2022 21:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:49

Growing violets in nutrient-poor soil, it is difficult to count on its active growth and lush flowering in the spring.

It should be remembered that at this time all plants are especially vulnerable and require attention and care, because flower stalks are laid in them, the growth and development of roots is activated.

Violet in this case is no exception, so fertilizing, watering and transplanting must be carried out strictly according to the rules.

Proper care involves the gradual awakening of the flower, which includes changing the mode of watering, lighting and fertilizing.


To wake up a violet in the spring, you need to increase the frequency of watering, but taking into account the air temperature and lighting. It is important to consider that after turning off the heating in the room for a week, you need to reduce the frequency of the procedure.

Foto: Pixabay


If we are talking about artificial lighting, then it is increased gradually, first by 15 minutes, and after 4 days by the same amount.

Natural lighting can cause burns, but if the light is diffused, then the risk is minimal.


Only after following these procedures can we talk about a replanting. It is held annually, but if the condition of the flower is good, then this recommendation is not necessary.

Top dressing

It makes no sense to do this before replanting. However, after the procedure, the first feeding is carried out in a week, and preferably in 3-4 weeks.

If the flower grows without replanting, then you first need to wake up the plant, increase the daylight hours, and then apply top dressing.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Watering
  2. Lighting
  3. Replanting
  4. Top dressing