How to "persuade" an orchid to shoot a new flower stalk: the trick of experienced flower growers

26.04.2022 14:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:50

Bud-studded orchids are not uncommon for a flower shop, but at home, orchids rarely bloom, so they have to be “forced” to shoot flower stalks.

What can I do to make orchids bloom?

If orchids grow, give new leaves and roots, but not arrows, you need to stop “blowing off” dust particles from the flower, but subject it to stress.

Stop watering

You can drastically reduce watering. Dry roots will wake up the kidneys.

Start watering the orchid at least 2 times less often than usual, refuse spraying, fertilizers and stimulants.

Foto: Pixabay

After 1-2 months, start watering the orchid again as usual. Should work.

Temperature difference

The orchid can be taken out to the balcony for the night for several weeks, and brought back into the room in the morning.

The difference between day and night temperatures should be about 6 ° C, but you do not need to put the orchid where the air is below 16 ° C.

"Hot shower"

Flower growers give one more piece of advice - put a pot with an orchid in the bathroom and pour hot water over it.

The orchid should take a “shower” for no longer than 1 minute, otherwise you can burn the roots and leaves.

The water temperature should not exceed 37 °C. After the “shower”, the orchid is not watered or sprayed for another 2 weeks.

Any of these methods will cause the orchid to experience stress, as a result of which the flower will “think” about the approach of death and release a peduncle to leave offspring.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Stop watering
  2. Temperature difference
  3. "Hot shower"