How to properly feed plants with coffee grounds: a few secrets of experienced gardeners

26.04.2022 13:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:49

Experienced gardeners never throw away spent coffee, as it can be safely used on the site.

This valuable product can not only "decorate" the compost, but can also become a full-fledged top dressing or a component for spraying.

However, for this you need to know just a few simple rules.

What are they?

Top dressing quality

Coffee pomace that has been served with sugar, syrups, or other flavor enhancers should not be used on the site.

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, coffee grounds must be properly stored so that mold does not appear.

To do this, the coffee is first dried.

During planting

If you want radishes and carrots to grow tasty and large, then the planting material is first mixed with coffee pomace.

In addition, it will help drive pests out of the garden.

For soil

Many gardeners know that flowers will grow much more readily if coffee is introduced into the soil in small quantities.

The same trick is relevant for indoor plants.


If you want to defeat pests, then you should periodically carry out coffee-based spraying.

Almost all insects are afraid of the aroma of a such drink.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Top dressing quality
  2. During planting
  3. For soil
  4. Spraying