Housekeeping tips: Sofa upholstery damaged by pets

19.01.2024 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Pets can be amazing friends and companions, but they can also cause some damage to your house and belongings.

For example, if your cat doesn't have (or like) a scratching pole, then it might destroy your sofa upholstery quickly.

Here is what you can do with that problem.

Assess the Damage

Take a good look at the scratches. See how deep they are and how much of the fabric is affected.

Clean the Area

Give the scratched area a gentle clean. Use a damp cloth to remove any dirt or loose fabric.


Trim Loose Threads

If there are any loose threads, trim them carefully. This can make it look neater.

Use a Cat Scratch Deterrent

Consider using a cat scratch deterrent. You can find sprays or tapes designed to keep cats away from certain areas.

Cover the Sofa

Cover the scratched parts with a blanket or sofa cover. 

This won't fix the scratches, but it can protect your sofa from further damage.

Provide Scratching Alternatives

Get your cat a scratching post or pad. Encourage them to use it by placing it near the sofa. 

Cats love having alternatives.

Nail Caps for Cats

Nail caps are soft covers that you can put on your cat's claws. 

This can prevent them from causing damage when they scratch.

Consult a Vet

If your cat's scratching is excessive or seems to be a behavioral issue, it might be a good idea to consult with a vet for advice.

Be Patient

Cats might need time to adjust to new habits. Be patient as you try different solutions.

Consider Professional Repair

If the damage is severe and you want a more permanent fix, you can look into professional upholstery repair services.

Previously, we talked about washing white sneakers.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Assess the Damage
  2. Clean the Area
  3. Trim Loose Threads
  4. Use a Cat Scratch Deterrent
  5. Cover the Sofa
  6. Provide Scratching Alternatives
  7. Nail Caps for Cats
  8. Consult a Vet
  9. Be Patient
  10. Consider Professional Repair