

When using cleaning chemicals, you should always be careful - they require safety measures for a reason! While most of them are completely safe when used properly, some cleaning solutions can make you ill if you accidentally misuse them.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning solutions chemicals cleaning mistakes health Helpful tips 13 December 2023

When you're ill, your appetite might not be as intense as usual, but you should still eat, because food is necessary for your recovery! Some foods can be quite beneficial for your health, so you should eat more of them to become healthy sooner.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food nutrition vitamins food preparation Cooking 13 December 2023

An illness can ruin your plans a lot, making lots of basic everyday tasks significantly harder to do. Lots of people struggle with maintaining their houses clean even when they are healthy, so it becomes even harder when you feel ill.

Kate Yakimchuk maintenance cleaning tips housekeeping tips tips Helpful tips 12 December 2023

Like other pets, ferrets can have plenty of illnesses - some of them are easy to prevent, others are not. If you want to be a responsible pet owner, then you need to know about these illnesses in advance, so you can spot the first signs and help.

Kate Yakimchuk ferrets pets health Animals 30 September 2023

If you're a keen gardener, then you probably know that it's always better to burn the infected tree branches left from pruning. While it seems quite logical on its own, lots of inexperienced gardeners neglect that rule - so the disease spreads further.

Kate Yakimchuk pruning trees fire Garden 10 September 2023

Gardeners want their garden plants to be healthy and thriving - and it's not that hard to achieve, unless they become ill. Plant illnesses can be as contagious as human ones, and some of them are basically impossible to cure.

Kate Yakimchuk pruning trees gardening Garden 10 September 2023
oak leaves

Gardeners care about their plants a lot, but some diseases are hard to identify, and even harder to cure - and one of them is called "sudden oak death". It sounds pretty terrifying, and it actually is - it's highly contagious, and it can kill your garden trees pretty quickly as well.

Kate Yakimchuk trees gardening Garden 6 September 2023
sad dog

Pets, particularly dogs and sometimes even cats, can often sense changes in their owners' physical and emotional states, including when their owners are ill.  While pets don't understand illness in the same way humans do, they can pick up on various cues that suggest something is different or wrong with their owners. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs communication Animals 22 August 2023