Chef's Tips: How to Cook and Eat Artichoke Properly

05.07.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

The artichoke has a unique and pronounced taste, somewhat reminiscent of an avocado or a slightly unripe walnut. The plant comes in various shades of green, may have purple streaks.

Health benefits of artichoke

A delicacy vegetable rich in nutrients and vitamins. For example, fiber, vitamins K and C, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Artichoke is good for the health of the digestive system, as it contains a probiotic - inulin.

In addition, the vegetable supports liver health and has a choleretic effect.

How to process an artichoke

Wash the artichokes, cut off the top part of the artichoke (about 1/3) with a sharp knife so that its core shows. Cut off the stem and remove the outer tough leaves. Carefully remove any leaves that are damaged or brown.

Photo: Pixabay

How to eat an artichoke

Small artichokes are ideal for appetizers, medium-sized ones are ideal for stewing and frying. Leaves can be dipped in sauces prepared to your own taste. The fresh heart of the artichoke is cut into thin slices and added to salads. They go great with rice dishes like Italian risotto.

How to cook artichokes in a pan

Peeled artichokes cut into 5-6 pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the raw artichokes to it. Fry until cooked under the lid, turning them over.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Health benefits of artichoke
  2. How to process an artichoke
  3. How to eat an artichoke
  4. How to cook artichokes in a pan