Lab Grown Meat: What It Is and What It Means

29.06.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The USDA has approved the production and sale of lab-grown meat. However, for now, you can only taste it in a restaurant.

What is Lab Grown Meat

This is meat grown from animal cells with the help of amino acids.

This is not vegetable meat. We are talking about chicken, grown in the laboratory from cells of real birds obtained by biopsy.

Cells are placed in a bioreactor and fed with a mixture of proteins, amino acids, minerals, sugar, salt and other nutrients, and thus pieces of meat grow.

According to Upside Foods, cells from a fertilized chicken egg can be stored in a jar for 10 years.

Photo: Pixabay

Animal cells are taken by biopsy or wings.

Cultured meat does not involve mass raising livestock, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource