Recommendations from the Chef: How to Cook Delicious Salmon

15.07.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Salmon is eaten raw, frozen, fried, boiled, salted, baked. Rolls, sashimi and steaks, stroganina, rich soups are prepared from fish. It is added to salads and pizza.

Why salmon can be eaten raw

Marine raw fish is most often beyond doubt, it is boldly eaten in its original form, since parasites and bacteria simply do not survive in the aggressive environment of the sea and ocean.

The higher the concentration of salt in the habitat of the fish, the safer its meat will be.

How best to cook salmon steak

Salt and pepper the salmon steak. Preheat a frying pan, put a piece of parchment cut out in its shape on it and put butter on top. Once the butter has melted, add the salmon steak and fry on both sides until cooked through.

This point is especially important: do not fry the salmon fillet at too high a temperature. So you run the risk of drying it out. To avoid this, heat the pan, add oil, heat it up a little, put the fish in the pan and immediately reduce the heat. Cook salmon on medium to low heat.

Photo: Pixabay

How to season salmon

At its core, the most suitable spices for salmon are the classic mixture of salt, black and white pepper. You can experiment and make a mixture of white, black, pink and green peppers.

What vegetables are suitable for salmon

You can also serve salmon with a salad of leafy vegetables, steamed or stewed broccoli, carrots, pickled beets. Salad of green peas and carrots is also very suitable for salmon. Salmon can be served with lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. You can serve as a side dish vegetable mix stewed in butter.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why salmon can be eaten raw
  2. How best to cook salmon steak
  3. How to season salmon
  4. What vegetables are suitable for salmon