Tips from the Chef: How to Cook Champignons Properly

29.06.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Champignons are one of the most popular mushrooms. In the article we will tell you how and with what to cook the product deliciously.

How to properly prepare mushrooms for cooking

If the champignons are small, then you should carefully wipe them with a dry cloth - it is not necessary to wash or clean them.

It is also necessary to remove the ground from large mushrooms, then cut into 2-4 parts and remove the thin skin from the caps. The legs can either be wiped with a dry cloth. After that, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

How to cook fresh champignons from the store

Put the mushrooms and fry on maximum heat. Stir the mushrooms occasionally. Fry until evenly golden, about 10-15 minutes. If champignons are fried on low or medium heat, they will give juice, and they will not be able to fry.

Is it possible to eat champignons if they have darkened a little

If the mushrooms have darkened and deformed, there is a danger of poisoning. “The champignons should be firm to the touch. If they become soft, then the mushroom is rotten. You need to pay attention to the aroma: you can not buy sticky, slippery mushrooms.

Photo: Pixabay

What goes well with mushrooms

It is best to serve mushrooms with herbs and other processed vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage). It is worth avoiding legumes that are heavy for the body - beans, peas. Nutritionists do not recommend eating mushrooms with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage at the same time.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to properly prepare mushrooms for cooking
  2. How to cook fresh champignons from the store
  3. Is it possible to eat champignons if they have darkened a little
  4. What goes well with mushrooms