
interior floor

Linoleum is a pretty cheap option that can quickly improve your interior and suit your design. The thing is, linoleum is pretty easy to damage, so you can quickly see gaps and stains that are hard to get rid of.

Kate Yakimchuk floors tips Helpful tips 12 October 2023

After room makeover, you can suddenly notice some paint stains on your linoleum - and that's not great for beautiful new interiors. The main thing is that linoleum can be easily damaged by excessive rubbing and strong chemicals, so you should act gently.

Kate Yakimchuk paint stains cleaning tips Helpful tips 11 October 2023
kitchen flooring

Linoleum is a pretty cheap material, so it's perfect for house remodeling options when you're on budget. While high-quality material can last for many years, cheap linoleum doesn't last for too long - so you can see the signs that it's time to replace it.

Kate Yakimchuk floors interior House Design 8 September 2023