

If you're a nail artist who works from home, then you need a convenient and nice place to work. A perfect home salon for a nail artist is not only modern, beautiful, and presentable, but also clean and advanced.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips salon remote work tips House Design 17 January 2024

If you rent a house, or if you love rearranging your wall decorations ocasionally, you can damage your walls with nails a lot. Luckily, small holes are pretty easy to fix - you just need to know how to do it.

Kate Yakimchuk holes fixing interior tips House Design 25 October 2023
cat nails

It is generally a good idea to clean your cat's nails or claws as part of their regular grooming routine.  While cats do some natural nail maintenance themselves through scratching and chewing, they may still benefit from some assistance. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats health maintenance Animals 5 September 2023