
angry dog

Some pets are best kept indoors and not allowed to walk outside due to various reasons.  It can be done for their own safety, or for others' safety as well.

Kate Yakimchuk pets aggression old Animals 5 August 2023
cat curious

While some cats aren't interested in getting outside, others try to run outside regularly. Pets may try to run outside for several reasons, and the specific motivation can vary depending on the individual pet and its environment. 

Kate Yakimchuk cats dogs pets facts Animals 14 July 2023

Pets, especially cats and dogs, often want to go outside - they are excited by sounds and smells of the world behind the door. It's up to you to decide whether they should or shouldn't go outside, because letting them out has both pros and cons.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts pet health Animals 11 July 2023

Do you keep your pets inside all the time, or do you allow them to walk outdoors? In fact, both approaches might have their pros and cons.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts pet health Animals 24 June 2023