Why do quarrels arise in relationships: the opinion of a psychologist

26.05.2024 00:00

Conflicts in relationships arise, as a rule, during periods of crisis.

Why do quarrels and conflicts appear in relationships

The main reason for small quarrels is a feeling of mutual dissatisfaction, which accumulates due to the lack of sincere and open dialogue between people.

For example, one party expects the other to figure things out or remember important dates.

More often than not, it is easier for people to pretend that everything is fine and nothing has hurt them than to express their emotions and feelings.

Often people fight because of different views, values, opinions and lifestyles.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, it is important to understand that we are all different and we need to learn to accept each other.

How to resolve conflicts in relationships

It is important to remember that both parties must be interested in dialogue and open communication.

If your partner does not have this skill, and it is important to you, there are two solutions.

Either your lover learns and changes, or sooner or later your relationship will end.

Conflicts are normal if they happen from time to time.

After all, everyone has disagreements in relationships.

The most important thing is how you deal with it.

If you can't cope with conflicts on your own, you can try family therapy.

Previously, we told you whether it is possible to save a relationship after your partner cheats.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do quarrels and conflicts appear in relationships
  2. How to resolve conflicts in relationships