serving plates


Glimpsing dark scratches on your beloved plates might feel like a permanent mark of damage, leaving you disheartened.  But fear not, for most of these blemishes can be undone with a little know-how.

Kate Yakimchuk dishes scratches housekeeping tips Helpful tips 24 July 2023
still life

Certain dishes and decorative items can enhance your interior design by adding visual interest, style, and personality to your space.  They can be used when you have guests, or you can just place them as decorations.

Kate Yakimchuk dishes home decor interior tips decoration House Design 23 July 2023

Buying beautiful serving plates can enhance your dining experience and add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to your meals.  When having guests or just dining with your family, you can create a very special, sophisticated atmosphere.

Kate Yakimchuk dishes interior tips House Design 22 July 2023