
vintage table

If you love adding a bit of retro and vintage to your interior, then don't throw away old items - they can come handy! Using a little bit of imagination and DIY skills, you can turn them into brand new interior decorations.

Kate Yakimchuk retro furniture tips House Design 20 September 2023
retro vintage street

While you often see many super modern and minimalistic interiors around, retro is still trendy - people love to add a bit of old and rustic details to their living spaces. The main thing is to find the balance between old and retro, otherwise you can make your house look dated and cluttered.

Kate Yakimchuk retro interior style House Design 18 September 2023

The whole retro aesthetics seem to be outdated, but it isn't - retro and vintage elements are back. The trend of incorporating retro and vintage elements in interior design can be attributed to a combination of factors, including nostalgia, uniqueness, and a desire for authenticity. 

Kate Yakimchuk retro trends interior House Design 26 August 2023

When creating interior designs, lots of specialists choose to use vintage elements in their work. It surely makes interior designs more visually interesting, but what are other reasons behind it?

Kate Yakimchuk decoration interior desing House Design 10 July 2023

Victorian style is still in fashion, it looks unusual and interesting. In the article, you will learn about the main characteristics of the Victorian style in the interior.

Diana Dashkevich home interior style House Design 20 May 2023

Vintage looks unusual and bright in the interior. However, it's important to get the vintage styling right for your home.

Diana Dashkevich home interior style House Design 14 May 2023

Books are a great way to decorate your interior. They can add a completely new vibe to a space. In the article, we will talk about how easy it is to integrate books into the design of the room.

Diana Dashkevich design interior advices House Design 11 May 2023

Buying antiques not only saves you money, but it also helps you reduce excess consumption and do something good for nature. In the article, we will share our opinion on how vintage items can be safely bought for the home.

Diana Dashkevich interior eco tips style House Design 4 May 2023

Vintage things are something that many people love. In addition, vintage is one of the main trends of this season.

Diana Dashkevich interior trends tips House Design 18 April 2023

Vintage things convey a special mood, create coziness, and can remind you of pleasant events. Therefore, many people like to add items to their interior that are associated with a certain historical era, childhood or youth.

Diana Dashkevich interior design style House Design 18 April 2023