What cheap ingredient to add to the Olivier salad so that all guests are surprised

22.03.2022 21:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:49

Olivier is a traditional holiday salad in ex-USSR countries.

The preparation of the dish is extremely simple, and its ingredients are available to everyone.

For this reason, the chefs decided to add one ingredient to the salad to make it more interesting.

We're talking about melted cheese. It will add tenderness to the traditional dish.

At the same time, the recipe itself remains a classic.

Foto: Pixabay

Cheese is recommended to grate and add to the mixture of vegetables.

However, it is important not to overdo it with peas during cooking, it will make the taste simpler.

In addition, some housewives recommend replacing sausage in a salad with meat or chicken fillet. This will make the product richer.

Dress the salad just before serving.

Some housewives also advise adding cucumbers last so that they do not have time to give extra juice.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource