

If just plants aren't enough to make your garden pretty, then you can always add some garden decorations. While some garden decorations are considered classy, others aren't trendy anymore, so you better stay away from them.

Kate Yakimchuk decoration gardening tips garden decorations style Garden 29 January 2024

If you want your interior design to be actually unique, then you can add some statues – they will make your house stand out! The best thing about decorative statues is that they create unique accents and focal points, attracting lots of attention.

Kate Yakimchuk statue home decor interior tips style House Design 20 January 2024

If you love bold geometric shapes and stylish designs, then you probably like Art deco – an easily recognizable style present in posters, pictures, and also interiors. Even if your house doesn't look like Art deco, then you can always add some of its elements to the interior.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips art deco style ideas House Design 18 January 2024

When choosing your interior style, you can create absolutely unique interiors by just matching the unmatchable – you just have to do it carefully! For example, lots of modern interiors include decorations and elements of different styles, creating an unmatched and unique appearance.

Kate Yakimchuk eclectic style interior tips decoration choosing House Design 16 January 2024

Some classic interiors tend to stay actual and good-looking for years, decades, and sometimes even centuries – that's when the design actually works. Meanwhile, some interior styles start looking outdated pretty quickly, and they have no chance of becoming classic.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips outdated interior style trends House Design 5 January 2024

Modern people love gadgets and gaming, and create beautiful setups for their hobby and entertainment. While modern consoles look pretty stylish, they still should be integrated in your living room wisely, so they won't ruin its aesthetics.

Kate Yakimchuk video games gaming console interior tips House Design 2 January 2024

When creating your unique interior design, you can't just buy all the expensive things to make it look great. While being expensive, some items can actually make your interior look cheap, tacky, or tasteless.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes interior tips design price House Design 30 December 2023

Trends come and go and if you actually follow them, then you always have to change something. The same happens with interior trends, so if you want your house to look fashionable, then you should stay tuned.

Kate Yakimchuk interior fashion trends interior mistakes design House Design 30 December 2023

Every detail of your interior can become outdated and not fashionable at some point, including lamps. People don't often replace their ceiling lamps, so you can sometimes see pretty outdated lamps in modern and stylish interiors.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting lamps interior House Design 15 November 2023

Designs come and go, and sometimes even whole types of furniture can become outdated. While some people still love them because of the retro atmosphere they create, these items aren't usually used in modern interiors.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture trends interior House Design 30 October 2023

Marazzi tiles have a very recognizable appearance, so you can see them in many interior designs of the past - and they seem to come back! Modern interior designers love using these tiles in their designs, and there are a few reasons for that - not just their love for retro.

Kate Yakimchuk tiles interior House Design 17 September 2023

Retro and vintage items are pretty different from outdated ones - and that's why you should choose your furniture carefully. While interior fashion comes and goes fast, some items have a strong feeling of being outdated, so it's better to avoid them.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips House Design 15 September 2023
old lamp

Lighting is important on its own, and lamps can sometimes add a lot of personality to your interior. At the same time, fashion changes all the time - and now some old-fashioned lamps can instantly make your house feel outdated.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting lamp interior House Design 6 September 2023