outdated interior


Some classic interiors tend to stay actual and good-looking for years, decades, and sometimes even centuries – that's when the design actually works. Meanwhile, some interior styles start looking outdated pretty quickly, and they have no chance of becoming classic.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips style fashion trends House Design 5 January 2024
woman posing

Interior decor trends are constantly evolving, and certain elements that were popular in the past may now be considered out of fashion.  You can always use them if you love them, but they can also make your house feel a bit old-fashioned and tired.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes decoration House Design 17 July 2023
living room

Have you ever noticed that some interior colors automatically make a room look dated? It happens because interior colors can actually be trendy - and as all trends, they can go.

Kate Yakimchuk colors interior tips interior mistakes House Design 3 July 2023
old room

When you visit a house with an extremely outdated interior, you can immediately feel it, usually without even noticing any specific details. If you do not want your home to have the same effect on your guests, then do not use these interior details.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes design tips House Design 27 June 2023