

Bells are beautiful flowers – they are gentle and sophisticated, and they can add special romantic beauty to your garden. Growing them requires some special conditions, but if your garden fits perfectly, then you can easily grow them.

Kate Yakimchuk bells gardening tips garden flowers tips Garden 3 January 2024

If you love unusual flowers with subtle, delicate beauty, then try growing lilies of the valley - they look stunning! Resilient and still gentle, these flowers don't always need too much to grow well, but they still need some proper conditions.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants tips lilies tips Garden 2 January 2024

The “Vanda” orchid differs from the traditional representatives of the species in that it is a larger flower that does not have the usual throat. Most often, blue and purple shades are used in bouquets, but red, yellow, pink, white and even brown Vanda orchids are also found. Petals can be either plain or variegated.

Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips Garden 2 January 2024

St. John's wort needs plenty of sunlight but does not tolerate direct light. Grow the plant in the shade of other plants or on a balcony away from intense light.

Diana Dashkevich plants plants tips gardening tips plants care Garden 2 January 2024

The flower does not tolerate cold well, so it should be stored only indoors.

Diana Dashkevich plants plants care gardening gardening tips Garden 31 December 2023

If you love rearranging your garden regularly, then you should choose plants that can handle transplantations well. While some gentle plants can be easily damaged, other plants can handle transplantations relatively well.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips transplant plants tips herbs Garden 30 December 2023

If you want your garden to be unique and a bit exotic, then you have to choose rare and beautiful plants to grow. While some garden plants and flowers are beautiful, they can also be too mainstream - so everyone grows them!

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants tips mainstream choosing Garden 30 December 2023

Gerberas grown at home are extremely heat-loving. In spring and summer they should live at a temperature of 24-25 °C, and cold snaps even down to 20 °C are very undesirable.

Diana Dashkevich gardening plants gardening tips plants tips Garden 29 December 2023

Cymbidiums do not like to be disturbed often, preferably no more than once every 2-3 years. Mature plants should therefore be planted in pots large enough to allow them to produce a lot of new growth.

Diana Dashkevich orchids garde plants tips garden flowers Garden 28 December 2023

Phalaenopsis is a light-loving plant, but during the flowering period it can stand for some time in a dimly lit place. After the orchid has finished blooming, move it to a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.

Diana Dashkevich orchids plants gardening tips plants tips Garden 27 December 2023

Sedum is planted in open ground in mid-to-late May. The main condition is that the threat of return frosts has passed.

Diana Dashkevich houseplants gardening gardening tips plants care Garden 25 December 2023

In a home setting, Kalanchoe does not require high maintenance; infrequent watering is sufficient in both winter and summer.

Diana Dashkevich gardening houseplants gardening tips plants tips Garden 25 December 2023

The place where the hoya is located should be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Especially if the room is infrequently ventilated.

Diana Dashkevich houseplants plants plants care gardening tips Garden 24 December 2023

Garden beds can be beautiful on their own, but they can be even more beautiful when they have unusual and intricate shapes. While it takes a bit more time and effort to create them, it can also make your garden look way better.

Kate Yakimchuk garden plants garden beds design tips Garden 23 December 2023

Rowley's ragwort requires a very permeable substrate. This plant can be planted in ready-made soil for succulents or in a mixture of universal soil with coarse sand, vermiculite and fine gravel.

Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 20 December 2023

If you want to decorate your garden with beautiful, nice-smelling plants, then you should probably grow jasmine. This amazing plant can decorate your garden for many years, but only if you take good care of it.

Kate Yakimchuk jasmine gardening tips growing plants trees Garden 19 December 2023

From all flowers, begonias manage to stand out because of how classy, pretty, and gentle they look. If you love your flowers "conventionally pretty", then grow begonias - they can make your garden beautiful!

Kate Yakimchuk begonias garden flowers gardening tips plants Garden 18 December 2023

The flowers consist of five petals fused together into a narrow tube. Adromiscus flowers are most often white or pink.

Diana Dashkevich gardening houseplants plants tips gardening tips Garden 18 December 2023

Since the roots of Nematanthus are fragile, the plant is rarely replanted when the roots completely fill the volume of the pot: it is for this reason that the latter should not have a jug-shaped (convex in the middle) shape.

Diana Dashkevich gardening houseplants plants care gardening tips Garden 18 December 2023

You don't have to wait until summer to enjoy beautiful flowers in your garden - some flower varieties can bloom in spring as well! For instance, Peonies can make your garden beautiful before it's already summer - you just have to provide the best conditions for them to thrive.

Kate Yakimchuk peonies garden flowers gardening tips tips Garden 17 December 2023