Последние новости за 19 декабря 2023 года


In winter, lots of houses feel wet or humid - and it's not always a great thing.  If you don't want your house to feel wet or become moldy, then you should do something!

Kate Yakimchuk humidity seasons air climate control central heating Helpful tips

There is evidence to suggest that crows may be among the most intelligent animals on Earth. They can count to five. Use tools, such as sticks, to pick out insects from rotten tree stumps.

Диана Дашкевич birds nature wild animals animal facts wildlife Animals

Have you ever been to extremely stylish cafes that are full of old furniture and decorations? Not everything that is old can be stylish, but your sense of style can help you quite a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture old furniture style interior tips retro House Design

Metacognitive therapy is about why the thought “I'm worthless” because of failure makes some people just a little sad, while others drive them crazy, and how to change that.

Диана Дашкевич mental health psychotherapy psychologist tips facts Psychology

После осенней обрезки кусты малины необходимо пригнуть к земле, чтобы они не погибли во время сильных морозов.

Тимур Хомичев малина выращивание малины уход за малиной растения сад Сад и Огород

Есть такой стереотип, что успех мужчины в основном связан с финансовой стороной вопроса. 

Валерия Кистерная психология успех женщина Люди и события

It turned out that pigs have excellent long-term memory, skills in arranging objects in space, and can navigate mazes. They also understand simple symbolic language and can recognize complex combinations of actions.

Диана Дашкевич pigs animal facts pets facts communication facts Animals

If you want to decorate your garden with beautiful, nice-smelling plants, then you should probably grow jasmine. This amazing plant can decorate your garden for many years, but only if you take good care of it.

Kate Yakimchuk jasmine gardening tips growing plants trees flowers Garden

Сложно представить новогодний стол без этого салата. Но если вкус привычного блюда надоел, то можно его улучшить при помощи некоторых дополнительных продуктов.

Ольга Котова рецепт салата салат салат ольвье оливье Кулинария

It's okay to be careful and ready for something unexpected to happen, especially if you're not anxious about it - but what if you are? Expecting the worst is a popular coping strategy that works like a protective measure, but it can also make you feel tired and miserable.

Kate Yakimchuk mental health pessimism psychologist tips expectations anxiety Psychology

Яйца – полезный продукт, который должен быть в рационе. Но многое зависит от процесса приготовления.

Ольга Котова яйца куриные яйца жареные яйца на сковороде жареные яйца Диеты