Why experienced housewives put a cotton pad in the garbage pail: tricks you need to know

10.04.2022 21:15

The garbage pailis filled with bad smells, bacteria and dirt.

Therefore, quite often the question arises of what to do to get rid of the disgusting smell from the bucket.

The most modern interior will look miserable if you smell an unpleasant smell from a bucket of garbage in the kitchen.

There is a simple life hack that will help solve a painful problem with amber from a bucket.

When changing the garbage bag, place a cotton pad soaked in essential oil at the bottom of the bucket each time.

garbage pail
Foto: Pixabay

Such a simple technique will help once and for all get rid of the stench that irritates many.

To minimize stench and prevent debris from flying past the bag and into the bucket, you need to securely fasten the garbage bag.

Clothespins or stationery clips are useful for this. When there is nothing at the bottom of the bucket, then the intensity of the attack of bad odors is minimized.

In addition, you can fold the newspaper in several layers and put it on the bottom of the bucket, then put a garbage bag on the bucket.

The newspaper is needed as a kind of safety net, if the bag breaks, then the fetid liquid will fall on the newspapers and will not spread along the bottom of the bucket.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource