Cleaning silver jewelry: Housekeeping ideas

30.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you have lots of silver jewelry that you wear regularly, then you need to know a few tips on how to clean it.

While silver can become darker pretty soon if you wear it daily, you can also easily clean it and make it shine again.

Here are a few tips for you.

Baking Soda and Water

Create a paste by mixing three parts baking soda to one part water. Stir until it forms a thick paste.

Apply the paste to a soft, lint-free cloth or a soft-bristle toothbrush.


Gently rub the paste onto the tarnished areas of your silver jewelry.

Rinse your jewelry thoroughly with water, ensuring all the paste is removed.

Pat the jewelry dry with a clean, dry cloth.


Choose a non-gel, non-abrasive toothpaste.

Apply a small amount to a soft toothbrush or cloth.

Gently scrub the jewelry, paying attention to tarnished spots.

Rinse the jewelry under running water, making sure to remove all the toothpaste.

Dry the jewelry with a clean, dry cloth.

Commercial Silver Cleaners

Read and follow the instructions on the commercial silver cleaner carefully.

Typically, you'll need to apply the solution, wait for a specified time, and then rinse and dry the jewelry.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Never use bleach or other harsh chemicals to clean silver, as they can damage the metal and any gemstones.

Preventive Measures

To reduce tarnish, store your silver jewelry in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. You can also use anti-tarnish strips or pouches.

Consider using a jewelry polishing cloth to give your jewelry a quick shine between deeper cleanings.


By following these detailed instructions, you can keep your silver jewelry looking beautiful and free from tarnish. 

Remember to handle your jewelry gently to avoid scratching or damaging it during cleaning.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Baking Soda and Water
  2. Toothpaste
  3. Commercial Silver Cleaners
  4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
  5. Preventive Measures
  6. Conclusion