Highly detailed interiors are harder to keep clean: More decorations lead to more time wasted on cleaning

02.08.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

If you're a keen maximalist who loves lots of decorations and souvenirs, then you should be ready to spend a nice amount of time cleaning your house.

The more detailed and diverse your interior is, the more time-consuming it is to keep it nice and clean.

Interiors with lots of details are harder to maintain clean for several reasons.

Dust and Dirt Accumulation

Intricate details, such as carved woodwork, ornate moldings, and decorative elements, create more surfaces for dust and dirt to accumulate. 

Dust can easily settle into the crevices and corners of these details, making it challenging to clean thoroughly.


Hard-to-Reach Areas

Elaborate details may be located in high or hard-to-reach places, making it difficult to clean them regularly. 

Without proper cleaning, these areas can become breeding grounds for dust and allergens.


Some decorative elements can be delicate and susceptible to damage during cleaning. 

Being overly aggressive while cleaning can cause chips, cracks, or breaks, leading to the need for repairs or replacements.

Prone to Stains

Elaborate details on furniture, fabrics, or carpets can be more prone to staining. 

Removing stains from intricate surfaces can be challenging and may require professional help.

Accumulation of Clutter

Highly detailed interiors can also become cluttered more easily. 

Decorative items and intricate decorations can collect over time, making it harder to keep the space organized and clean.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Dust and Dirt Accumulation
  2. Hard-to-Reach Areas
  3. Fragility
  4. Prone to Stains
  5. Accumulation of Clutter