How to store frozen meat properly: Keep it fresh for as long as possible

11.06.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Freezing meat is one of the best ways to keep it fresh for a pretty long time.

To make sure your frozen meat stores well, you need to know how to freeze and keep it properly.

Here are some tips for you.


Wrap the meat tightly in plastic wrap or use freezer-grade plastic bags to create an airtight seal. 

Labeling and dating

Clearly label each package with the type of meat and the date it was frozen. 


Temperature control

Use a freezer thermometer to monitor the temperature periodically and make any necessary adjustments to maintain proper freezing conditions.

Freezer placement

Place the wrapped or packaged meat in the coldest part of your freezer, typically in the back or bottom shelves. 

Stack and organize

Arrange the frozen meat packages in a neat and organized manner, stacking them vertically if possible. 

Avoid overcrowding

Avoid overcrowding the freezer as it can impede proper air circulation, slow down freezing, and lead to uneven temperatures. 

Freezer shelf life

As a general guideline, raw ground meat can be stored for 3-4 months, while larger cuts like steaks and roasts can be stored for 6-12 months. 

Thawing safely

The safest methods for thawing meat are in the refrigerator, using the defrost function of a microwave, or in cold water (in a sealed bag, with water changed every 30 minutes). 

Proper consumption

Avoid refreezing thawed meat unless it has been cooked first, as refreezing can affect the quality and safety of the meat.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Packaging
  2. Labeling and dating
  3. Temperature control
  4. Freezer placement
  5. Stack and organize
  6. Avoid overcrowding
  7. Freezer shelf life
  8. Thawing safely
  9. Proper consumption