Storage Rules: How to Preserve the Aroma and Texture of Spices

26.04.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If stored improperly, spices lose their taste, color and aroma. In the article you will learn how to properly store spices after purchase.

Spices storage rules

Choose a dry, cool place to store your spices.

Place the spices in an airtight container or glass jar with a lid.

The less air in the container, the better the spice will keep.

Choose a dark-colored jar for storage. Dark glass permits light through worse.

Photo: Pixabay

Spices will lose their flavor and aroma if you place them near the stove or in a place exposed to sunlight.

However, you can leave the spice in the public domain if you are going to use it in the coming week.

Spices expiration date

The shelf life of spices depends on the degree of freshness at the time of purchase.

To do this, check the collection date on the packaging.

Spices are stored, as a rule, 1-3 years.

If you collected spices yourself, sign the date of collection with a marker or stick a special sticker.

Keep track of the expiration date of spices, throw away old packages and jars that you haven’t used for a very long time and don’t remember when you bought it.

The taste of dishes is complemented only by fresh, fragrant spices.

To remember to check expiration dates and use spices, store them in a conspicuous place in the kitchen.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Spices storage rules
  2. Spices expiration date