What is Important to Know: Why Wash Apples Before Eating and How to Do it Right

09.05.2023 22:24
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Not everyone knows that apples need to be washed in a certain way before eating. In the article you will learn exactly why and how to wash apples before cooking or eating.

Harm of unwashed apples

It doesn't matter if you bought farm or store apples, they need to be washed.

Even though the apples look clean and glossy, the surface of the fruit contains dust, dirt, bacteria, and pesticides.

These contaminants are not visible to the naked eye.

Washed apples will be safe to eat and cook.


In addition, farm apples can also contain pesticides in their unpeeled skins.

However, it is necessary to peel the fruit immediately before eating, since washed apples do not store as well as dirty ones.

How to wash apples

Do not use antiseptics or soap for cleaning.

The fact is that these funds can be absorbed into the fruit.

To wash apples, soak them in a solution of baking soda for 15 minutes.

Then rinse fruit thoroughly under running water.

You can also use white vinegar instead of baking soda.

Another way is special means for cleaning fruits: detergent;ф brushes.

However, this method does not guarantee that chemical residues will not penetrate the apples.

Since most of the pesticides are in the skin, you can rinse the apples with water and peel the skin.

Although this method is fraught with the loss of nutrients that are contained just in the peel.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Harm of unwashed apples
  2. How to wash apples