You can freeze eggs to make them last longer: Unusual food storage

30.06.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Most people know that you can freeze meat, fish, butter, and even bread to make it last longer.

But you can also freeze some unexpected food - like chicken eggs!

However, it's important to remember that eggs should be properly prepared before freezing to maintain their quality. Here are some key points to consider:

Crack them and separate

It is recommended to crack the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites before putting them in a freezer.

Whole eggs in their shells should not be frozen as they can expand and potentially crack.


Stabilize the yolks

If you're freezing egg yolks, they can become gelatinous and pretty thick when thawed due to their pretty high fat content.

To prevent this, you can mix a bit of salt or sugar into the yolks before freezing.

Also, you can add a bit of corn syrup or vegetable oil to help keep their texture.

Beat the whites

When freezing egg whites, it's best to lightly beat them in advance.

This helps break down the structure and prevents them from becoming too gel-like after thawing.

Storage containers

Place the separated egg yolks or whites in airtight containers or special freezer bags, removing as much air as you can to prevent freezer burn.

Label them

It's crucial to label the containers with the yolks and whites and the date of freezing.

This will help you keep track of their condition and ensure you eat them within a reasonable time frame.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Crack them and separate
  2. Stabilize the yolks
  3. Beat the whites
  4. Storage containers
  5. Label them