Emotional Freedom Technique: What is it

23.01.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

It is an alternative medicine and pseudoscience technique based on the principles of traditional Eastern medicine (acupressure) and Western psychology.

How Tapping Works

The tapping method combines two important components: finger movement and mental guidance.

Fingers work with energy points, and thinking is concentrated on getting rid of problems that have arisen in the body - physical or psychological.

You need to help yourself unload! Short tapping of the body with your hands, simultaneously affecting the internal organs, the lymphatic, circulatory and nervous systems, the brain, will help relieve physical and nervous tension, stagnation, gently awaken your body in the morning, toning up in case of lethargy and drowsiness.

The theory behind EFT is that if you stimulate your body in the appropriate areas, you can experience psychological benefits.


How to do Tapping correctly

Tapping begins from a point at the beginning of the eyebrow, then the corner of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, in the center of the chin, a point on the collarbone (2-3 cm from the center to the right or left - it doesn’t matter), a point under the arm (4 fingers from the armpit down) and we end the circle with a point on the top of the head, where the crown is for children.

Movements can and should be combined with internal settings: for example, repeating motivating instructions to yourself or visualizing your goals.

We previously talked about how gut health and mental well-being are connected.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How Tapping Works
  2. How to do Tapping correctly