Expert Opinion: How Hiking Is Good for Mental Health

16.12.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Hiking is extremely useful, it strengthens you physically, increases endurance, enriches your intellect, quenches your thirst for beauty, and improves communication skills.

What does the word hiking mean

Hiking is a short journey on foot through mountainous terrain using marked and well-prepared trails while carrying light weight.

In the case of hiking, an overnight stay is expected in a campsite (tent or hut), so the tourist takes with him only a day’s supply of food and water in his backpack.

How do mountains make you feel

When you first get into the mountains, you experience emotions that are difficult to describe in words: you are delighted by their grandeur, beauty, feeling like a small grain of sand at the same time touching infinity.

Surprise, fear, admiration, awe, the presence of something divine.


What does a trip to the mountains give

Regular hiking in the mountains reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Due to the lower partial pressure and lower oxygen content at altitude, the body adapts and begins to produce more red blood cells.

This helps strengthen blood vessels and increase the number of microvessels.

It is in the mountains that you feel closest to nature.

The beauty and grandeur of the mountains, the purity of water and air, ... In the mountains, real friends gather, cheerful and sincere, here you learn the real character and capabilities of a person, you enjoy ordinary things and learn to appreciate the most common things.

In addition, thanks to prolonged physical activity, mountain tourists produce the so-called happiness hormone - endorphin.

Previously, we talked about how strength training affects mental health.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does the word hiking mean
  2. How do mountains make you feel
  3. What does a trip to the mountains give