Interesting Facts: How Emotions Affect the Body

23.01.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Emotions regulate not only the state of the body, but also the behavior of a person as a whole.

They are important for optimizing all types of body activity.

How the body reacts to emotions

We feel all emotions through the body. The body and psyche are inextricably linked, and all our states manifest themselves precisely through it: the pulse, breathing, heartbeat react, sensations of varying intensity appear, palms may sweat or perspiration may appear on the forehead.

Any pleasant emotion increases the performance of the nervous system, improves sleep, stabilizes the emotional state, promotes the production of joy hormones (endorphins) and has a positive effect on the body’s hormonal levels.

Under the influence of emotions in a person, the activity of the circulatory system, breathing, digestion, endocrine and exocrine glands and other organs changes.


The American Psychological Association (APA) defines emotions as subjective mental reactions that also include behavioral and physical reactions.

In short, your emotions can influence your mind, actions and body.

Why does the body react to emotions

Emotional reactions begin in our brain in response to some kind of stimulation - positive or negative.

And then what happens to our body depends on our life experience, external pressure, knowledge and habits of reacting in a given situation.

Previously, we talked about how a residential area affects mental health.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How the body reacts to emotions
  2. Why does the body react to emotions