Interesting Research: The Relationship Between Gender and Narcissism

20.06.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Narcissism can be confused with other personality traits. In the article we will tell you what narcissism is and what relationship it has with gender.

What is narcissism

Researchers study narcissism as a personality trait and do not go to the pathological level like narcissistic personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality tendencies are characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance.

Psychologists distinguish different types of narcissism:

  • Agent. Determined by the desire for success and admiration of others.
  • Hostile. It is characterized by hostility and the desire to exalt oneself, while humiliating other people.
  • Neurotic. The feeling of superiority is replaced by a feeling of inferiority, which makes a person sensitive to criticism and rejection.

How narcissism is related to gender

The narcissistic personality is characterized by assertiveness, dominance, striving for success, and a low level of concern for others.

Photo: Pixabay

According to research, narcissistic men are more likely to be agent-type narcissists, as this is more characteristic of the stereotypical male social role.

Research by Weidmann and colleagues suggests that men are more prone to narcissism than women. However, gender differences in people with a narcissistic personality have been practically undetectable.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is narcissism
  2. How narcissism is related to gender