

Sometimes narcissists in relationships can be difficult to spot. There are some signs that your partner is a narcissist.

Diana Dashkevich relationship mental health abuse Psychology 15 May 2024

A covert narcissist is someone who appears shy, sensitive, and withdrawn. Nevertheless, on the inside, they are actually vain, self-centered, and manipulative.

Diana Dashkevich disorders mental health communication fun facts Psychology 17 January 2024

Narcissists love the company of kind and warm people. Their insatiable ego feeds on caring and compassion. There is a high probability of leaving such a relationship feeling “used”—squeezed out and empty.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 24 October 2023
confident man

A narcissist can ruin your life - so your goal is to spot them quickly before they become close to you. While most of them can hide and manipulate really well, there are still signs that can help you understand who you're dealing with.

Kate Yakimchuk personality tips Psychology 25 September 2023
angry man

Unraveling the intriguing link between self-centeredness and aggressive tendencies sheds light on a pressing concern in today's society – how certain personality traits can influence violent behavior. A thorough examination encompassing over 400 studies spanning the globe reaffirms that narcissism serves as a substantial predictor of aggression and violence, transcending the boundaries of gender, age, and geographical location.

Kate Yakimchuk research aggression Psychology 24 August 2023

In the article we will talk about the features of this type of personality.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts studies Psychology 12 July 2023

Narcissism in modern society is a set of personality traits that are characterized by callousness, grandiosity and legitimacy.

Diana Dashkevich personality mental health facts studies Psychology 7 July 2023

In the article we will talk about how people with a narcissistic personality tendency differ.

Diana Dashkevich life mental health personality facts Psychology 3 July 2023

If you don't like attention seekers, then you're probably wondering why they always need to be the center of attention. Boasting, complaining, overreacting, every method is good enough for them to get what they want.

Kate Yakimchuk attention personality anxiety Psychology 21 June 2023

Narcissism can be confused with other personality traits. In the article we will tell you what narcissism is and what relationship it has with gender.

Diana Dashkevich studies facts mental health Psychology 20 June 2023

While all narcissists might seem the same, they can actually be pretty much different, and their age and gender matter. A new study claims that older female narcissists are way different from young male ones, and vice versa.

Kate Yakimchuk personality research Psychology 20 June 2023

Narcissists tend to neglect and manipulate other people to get what they want, and it's even worse when it affects children who can't protect their personal boundaries. Specialists from International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy claim that Narcissist parents affect their kids even more than we thought before.

Kate Yakimchuk parenting mental health Psychology 14 June 2023