Let your employers choose their reward: A new study on how rewards improve creativity

15.07.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Rewards work pretty well when you need to encourage someone, but it can work even better when they can choose the reward themselves.

A new study shows that companies who allowed their workers to choose a reward from the list get more creative and overall satisfied workers.

Let's find out more.

Let them choose

A recent study by management experts from Rice University, Tulane University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, found that offering employees a range of reward options can significantly enhance their creativity. 

Led by Professor Jing Zhou, the study conducted a field experiment within an organizationwide suggestion program. 


Results showed that allowing employees to choose from various reward types, if their ideas ranked among the top 20% in creativity, positively impacted the number and quality of generated ideas. 

Rewards aimed at helping others, like charitable donations, were particularly effective. 

It doesn't always work for non-creative people

However, it was noted that for less-creative employees, such alternative rewards might hinder creativity. 

The provision of reward choice also boosted employees' belief in their creative abilities and had a strong impact on those with high creative personality traits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Let them choose
  2. It doesn't always work for non-creative people