

The routine can be dangerous to humans. The fact is that diversity is important for mental health.

Diana Dashkevich mental health stress psychologist tips daily routine Psychology 17 May 2024

Working in an office can have its own health risks. In this article, we will tell you why office work is harmful.

Diana Dashkevich office mental health health health facts Psychology 29 March 2024

If both of you are remote workers, then each of you needs a convenient place to work at home. Sometimes two people can interfere with each other, making it harder for each other to concentrate.

Kate Yakimchuk work place interior tips concentration office House Design 24 January 2024

Flowers in the corridors, animals in the rest rooms, the interior of the workspace - are of great importance.

Diana Dashkevich workplace remote work interior tips design House Design 10 January 2024

If you experience constant stress because you don't have time to do everything you've planned, then it's a sign that you have to change something. Planning and time management can transform your life completely, so it's definitely a worth-learning skill.

Kate Yakimchuk time management productivity self-control tips Psychology 9 January 2024

If you feel like you just can't be as motivated or productive as you used to be, then you are probably heading to a burnout. When it happens, it might be extremely hard to become productive and invested in your work again, so it's always better to avoid it.

Kate Yakimchuk burnout emotional eating exhaustion mental health Psychology 5 January 2024

Holidays are perfect for relaxing and having fun, and that's why it's so hard to come back to work afterwards. People keep thinking about their great holidays and can't concentrate on work, and it may last for days and even weeks.

Kate Yakimchuk home office productivity remote work tips Psychology 3 January 2024

Gardening can be both encouraging but also time-consuming, and sometimes it's quite hard for older people. Moreover, there are a few unobvious mistakes that can make it even harder for you.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips gardening mistakes health maintenance Garden 30 December 2023

If you're a remote worker, then lots of people would say that you're lucky, because you don't have to go anywhere to work. Meanwhile, remote workers know how hard it can be to stay productive when you are home, so they prefer working in cafes.

Kate Yakimchuk productivity remote work work place cafe Psychology 29 December 2023

While some people might find it hard to concentrate on work, others find it hard to actually rest. Having rest doesn't mean not working - and that's why people forget how to rest when they have time for it.

Kate Yakimchuk active rest mental health weekend rest Psychology 18 December 2023

People who don't work remotely often assume that working from home is pure joy and convenience without thinking how hard it might be. Imagine waking up in the comfort of your house and forcing yourself to work every day - that's how it usually is.

Kate Yakimchuk comfort tips Psychology 25 November 2023

When you have to work a lot, then it might be hard to stay motivated for days, weeks, months, or even years. It's normal to feel tired sometimes, but if you want your work to be done, then you should find some ways to keep your motivation high.

Kate Yakimchuk motivation tips Psychology 19 November 2023

Lots of specialists these days are terrified by the idea that one day AI services can completely replace them. While modern Ai actually becomes better daily, it seems that it won't actually replace people in their jobs.

Kate Yakimchuk research ai intelligence Psychology 19 November 2023

Knowing that you have to do lots of work can be quite demotivating, or even paralyzing - that's why lots of people procrastinate. Meanwhile, it's usually not that bad the moment you actually start doing something, so it's time to transform your mentality.

Kate Yakimchuk productivity tips Psychology 18 November 2023

Burnout can be a terrible experience - it can make your work unbearable and quite ineffective. The best thing you can do is to have a rest, but it's not always possible - so what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk burnout tips Psychology 12 November 2023

Lots of modern people make their jobs their first priority - they use it for self-validation, feeling of purpose, and simply killing time. Meanwhile, psychologists claim that our jobs don't have to be the only things that matter in our lives.

Kate Yakimchuk job priority balance Psychology 5 November 2023

People who regularly engage in self-sabotage create obstacles for themselves that often affect their quality of life and self-esteem.

Diana Dashkevich stress career mental health Psychology 16 October 2023

It's hard to work under pressure even if you really love your job. A new study from the University of Missouri explains why many teachers in the United States are feeling stressed and leaving their jobs. 

Kate Yakimchuk research teaching job stress Psychology 12 October 2023
happy girl

We all need both work and rest to live a balanced life, and neglecting one of them can affect your mental health. A new study claims that people who focus too much on achieving things rather than enjoying themselves feel less happy the next day.

Kate Yakimchuk research happiness Psychology 8 October 2023

A study published in PLOS One found that short breaks help workers have more energy and feel less fatigued. But that's not all.

Diana Dashkevich relax burnout mental health Psychology 6 October 2023