Psychologist Explanation: What is Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

24.10.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Narcissists love the company of kind and warm people.

Their insatiable ego feeds on caring and compassion.

There is a high probability of leaving such a relationship feeling “used”—squeezed out and empty.

What is narcissistic abuse

There is such a category of people as narcissists.

They consider themselves exceptional, and at the heart of this is a deep lack of self-acceptance.


With the help of abuse, they humiliate everyone around them in order to raise their self-esteem and rise at the expense of others.

Narcissistic abuse differs from ordinary abuse in that the abuser uses tricks that not every person would think of.

Let's take a classic story where the abuser is a man and the victim is a woman.

A narcissistic abuser is typically a “person with an unborn soul”—one who is incapable of empathy.

Narcissists use several techniques to manipulate their partners.

For example, gaslighting makes people question their reality by disregarding their experiences and refusing to engage in conversation.

How a narcissist manipulates

Narcissists try to make others give in to emotions (fear, guilt) instead of reasoning logically.

By appealing to emotions, they try to pass off false statements as truth.

Since they are generally prone to throwing tantrums and scandals, this comes very naturally to them.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is narcissistic abuse
  2. How a narcissist manipulates