Psychologist or psychotherapist: Choosing the right therapist for you

14.10.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you haven't used therapy before, it might be hard for you to understand what type of a specialist you need to visit.

People often mistake psychologists, psychotherapists, and even psychiatrists, so they feel confused and too awkward to ask.

Let's find out what type of specialist you might need.


A psychologist is a professional who can help with a wide range of emotional and mental issues. 

They use various methods to understand and treat these issues. 


You might see a psychologist if you have a specific mental health condition, like depression or anxiety, or if you need help understanding your thoughts and behaviors better.


A psychotherapist is a general term for professionals who provide talk therapy or counseling. 

This can include psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors. 

If you're dealing with everyday life challenges, stress, or relationship issues, a psychotherapist can be helpful.


In simpler terms, if you have a diagnosed mental health condition or complex issues, seeing a psychologist might be a good idea. 

If you're dealing with common life problems or just need someone to talk to, a psychotherapist in general could be a good fit. 

It's essential to choose the right professional based on your specific needs and situation.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Psychologist
  2. Psychotherapist
  3. Conclusion