Psychologist's Advice: Why It's Important to Balance Your Personal Life and Work

10.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Maintaining a work-life balance among employees can help increase loyalty to the company, increase productivity and engagement, strengthen the reputation of the organization, reduce the number of sick days and absenteeism.

Why strike a balance between work and personal life

To maintain this balance means to adhere to a lifestyle in which each area of activity is in harmony with the others and does not harm them. In other words, work-life balance allows us to successfully combine work, leisure, family, hobbies, health and other important aspects of our lives.

Four-day trials showed lower levels of stress and burnout, and workers reported improved work-life balance.

How many hours a day is best to work

Dedicated and Focused Time It seems that 3 hours is the limit of intensive human attention. This is a useful rule for measuring your daily productivity. If you can dedicate 3 hours to work without a break, then most likely you will be more productive than everyone else.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why strike a balance between work and personal life
  2. How many hours a day is best to work