Psychologist's Explanation: What Introversion Really Is

25.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23


The concepts of introversion and extraversion, first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, have been adopted by several popular personality theories.

How to understand that a person is an introvert

Let's try to figure out who is who, and, most interestingly, to understand what type we are. An introvert is someone whose actions are directed inward, that is, on themselves (do not confuse with an egoist - this is different).

An introvert is the exact opposite of an extrovert. Such people focus more on their inner world than on the outside. Introverts are not very sociable, but at the same time, very pleasant interlocutors, if you talk with them on topics that interest them.

What an introvert doesn't like

Introverts do not like idle chatter and do not speak if they do not want to, or if a given topic or specific people are not interesting to us. If you talk to an introvert about something that is actually of real interest to him, then sometimes it will be impossible to stop him.

What do introverts do

An introverted person spends a lot of time in solitude. He is self-sufficient, most of his hobbies do not require the presence of third parties. Many introverts enjoy reading, painting, music, or writing. When communicating with people, an introvert expends energy, and does not charge it, like extroverts.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that a person is an introvert
  2. What an introvert doesn't like
  3. What do introverts do