Self-massage: What Types of Massagers Can Be Purchased

28.05.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Massage is a great way to not only tighten the skin.

It helps to relax, reduce stress and anxiety.

In addition, massage improves mood and eliminates muscle pain.

You can use different special devices for self-massage.

What kind of massage can be used

There are different types of massage products.


Roller massager

Designed for contour massage of the face, décolleté area. The roller effectively works out the muscles, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, has a lifting effect, stimulates blood circulation and improves the tone of the face, disperses the lymph, and removes puffiness. Suitable for all skin types and ages.

Roller massager with vibration

Gently captures areas of the skin and muscles of the face. It has a rejuvenating, tightening effect, tones, removes wrinkles, relieves puffiness. The tissues become elastic and resilient, the complexion is evened out. The roller massager is designed for all skin types and ages.

Face lift massager

Works well on the chin, cheekbones and nasolabial folds. Smoothes and visibly tightens the skin, improves tissue elasticity, removes the second chin, prevents the formation of new wrinkles. Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Gouache scraper

Restores the work of the lymphatic system. This normalizes the water balance, evens out the structure and complexion. The contours of the chin and cheekbones become more defined.


Starts the regeneration of cells that are responsible for the production of collagen. The skin looks revitalized, fresh, youthful and radiant. The mesoscooter is recommended to be used in combination with serums.

Self-care and routine are good ways to lift your spirits and relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of massage can be used
  2. Roller massager
  3. Roller massager with vibration
  4. Face lift massager
  5. Gouache scraper
  6. Mesoscooter