Signs that your partner is narcissistic: psychologist's opinion

15.05.2024 22:00

Sometimes narcissists in relationships can be difficult to spot.

There are some signs that your partner is a narcissist.

How to tell if your partner is a narcissist

Your partner is likely a narcissist if they have an excessive sense of self-importance.

Such people constantly need admiration and attention from others.

Often people with narcissistic traits are unable to empathize with others and support their loved ones.


As a rule, they show an inability to adequately respond to criticism or rejection in their direction.

In their opinion, they have no shortcomings and are much better than others and consider themselves chosen.

Often, narcissists cheat in relationships, and also reproach others for their gaps, put pressure on sore spots, do not know what respect is, but demand it for themselves.

Narcissists often humiliate even their loved ones and hurt them greatly.

Conviction of one's own exclusivity and extraordinaryness is a clear sign of narcissism.

Such a person believes that he can have whatever he wants and achieve unimaginable success in life.

Narcissists often want to become popular, be in the media, and gain fame.

In addition, narcissists often lie and manipulate, and overestimate their achievements and capabilities.

As a rule, such partners give gifts not to please you, but to stroke their pride and show off to others.

Often in such relationships there is a lot of lies, anger, underestimation, disrespect and humiliation.

This means that such people simply do not notice their partners, do not hear their desires, lie and manipulate even in relationships.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource