

One of the main Thanksgiving dishes is turkey - it's delicious, nutritious, and usually it's relatively easy to cook. If you haven't cooked turkey before, then it might be hard for you, because you have to achieve a perfect balance of moisture and flavor.

Kate Yakimchuk food recipe meat holidays Cooking 25 November 2023

Turkey is perfect for many dishes, including cutlets - they can be delicious, tender, and suitable for almost everyone. There are plenty of great recipes you can try, but the simplest traditional recipe is often the best one.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking cutlets recipe Cooking 10 October 2023

Turkey is a great lean meat, full of healthy nutrients, and it can be used in many delicious dishes. Though it might be quite expensive to completely replace chicken with turkey, you should definitely cook it more often than once a year.

Kate Yakimchuk poultry healthy food cooking tips Cooking 2 July 2023
raw meat

If you prefer lean and low-fat meat, then you should use more poultry in your healthy diet. Chicken and turkey are both amazing for lots of dishes, but they are a bit different in terms of taste and texture.

Kate Yakimchuk poultry chicken healthy food meat Cooking 28 June 2023