Последние новости за 19 августа 2023 года


Unpleasant odors can significantly impact the comfort and ambiance of your home. 

Сергей Туманов smell house tips Helpful tips

Скорпионов ошарашат сюрпризы, а Водолеи остаются на вершине успеха.

Сергей Туманов знаки зодиака астрология прогноз гороскоп Гороскопы
home decor

Decorations help us add some personalization to our living space, but it's not always easy to do. When decorating a rented house, it's important to choose interior decorations that allow you to personalize your space without causing permanent damage or violating your lease agreement. 

Kate Yakimchuk decoration tips interior House Design

Частая перезагрузка устройства может стать признаком наличия неисправности и завершения срока эксплуатации.

Дмитрий Лискович телефон смартфон советы Технологии
rose bush

Perennials are plants that live for multiple years, typically coming back each spring after a period of dormancy during the winter.  However, there are several reasons why perennials might not survive the winter.

Kate Yakimchuk perennials gardening winter plants mistakes Garden

Собаки  не только хищники, но и всеядные животные, которые могут получать пользу от разнообразного питания.

Дмитрий Лискович собака фрукты советы Домашние животные

Fresh stains must first be removed with a thick cloth or paper towel. Next - wipe the place of contamination with a chemical solution. After a few minutes, wipe the problem area with a dry cloth, and then wash it using any detergent.

Диана Дашкевич floors cleaning wood lifehacks Helpful tips

Creativity can change someone's life, and sometimes pretty unobvious things can boost your child's creativity skills. New research from the University of Cambridge indicates that teaching children to empathize with others can lead to improvements in their creativity and potentially other positive learning outcomes. 

Kate Yakimchuk research creativity empathy Psychology

Professionals advise choosing lighting in warm or neutral white tones for the kitchen. Budget fluorescent lamps will not work - they have a cold, uncomfortable glow.

Диана Дашкевич kitchen design lighting House Design

A greenhouse is a great thing to have when you're into gardening, but it can be pretty pricey to buy one. Creating a budget-friendly alternative to a greenhouse can be a practical solution for extending your growing season and protecting your plants from the elements. 

Kate Yakimchuk greenhouse gardening tips Garden

If you love mushrooms, you don't have to buy fresh ones all the time - try freezing them! Frozen champignon mushrooms, also known as button mushrooms or white mushrooms, can be a convenient and versatile addition to your culinary repertoire. 

Kate Yakimchuk mushrooms freezing storage tips Cooking

Wash with cool water, microfiber cloth; During general cleaning, you can rinse with a solution with the addition of starch - 1 tbsp is added per 1 liter. a spoonful of any starch; Every day you can wipe the frosted glass with a suede cloth or velvet.

Диана Дашкевич glass cleaning lifehacks Helpful tips
pet rats

Male pet rats, like many other animals, can exhibit aggressive behavior towards each other, leading to fights.  This behavior is primarily driven by natural instincts, social hierarchy, and territorial tendencies. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets rats facts Animals