Grooming after petting: Curious pet habits

22.09.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Lots of people find it nearly offensive when their cat starts to groom itself right after they pet him.

While it seems that cats show their unpleasantness this way, it's not always the case - cats think differently, so they often have different reasons to do what they do.

Let's find out why cats want to wash themselves after someone pets them.

Comfort and Relaxation

When you pet a cat, it often feels good and soothing. Grooming is a way for them to continue the pleasurable sensations and stay relaxed.

Cleaning Up

Cats are naturally clean animals. 


They use their tongues and paws to clean themselves, and after being petted, they might want to remove any dirt, smells, or oils transferred from your hands or clothing.

Scent Marking

Cats have scent glands in their skin and paws. When they groom themselves after being petted, they can spread their scent on their fur. 

It's like them saying, "This human is my friend," to other cats.

Stress Relief

Grooming can be a way for cats to cope with stress or anxiety. 

If a cat feels a bit nervous or overwhelmed from too much attention, they might groom to help calm themselves down.


As you can see, cats don't try to offend or neglect their owners - it's just their way to make it more comfortable for themselves.

Therefore, let your cat do what it wants to do without getting offended - it's still your friend!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Comfort and Relaxation
  2. Cleaning Up
  3. Scent Marking
  4. Stress Relief
  5. Conclusion