How contact zoos were created: A brief history

04.10.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you love animals and want to spend some time with them without getting pets, you can try contact zoos - a nice alternative to regular ones.

They aren't exactly new, and they become quite popular because of new opportunities they provide.

Here are a few facts about how they were created.


People have always been curious about animals, but in the past, they mostly saw them from a distance, like in a regular zoo. 

Someone got the idea that it would be fun and educational to let people touch and interact with the animals.

contact zoo

Start Small

Contact zoos started with just a few animals that were friendly and safe to touch, like goats and sheep. 

They were kept in a special area where people could approach them.

Safety First

Zookeepers and experts made sure that both the animals and the visitors would be safe during these close encounters. 

They taught visitors how to behave around the animals.


Contact zoos also aimed to teach people about animals and their behaviors. Visitors could learn about different species and their habitats.


People loved the idea of getting close to animals, especially children. Contact zoos became popular at fairs, farms, and even in some regular zoos.


As contact zoos gained popularity, they added more animals like rabbits, chickens, and sometimes even exotic animals like lemurs or kangaroos.


To ensure the well-being of the animals and the safety of visitors, contact zoos are often regulated by laws and guidelines. 

These rules help make sure the animals are healthy and happy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Idea
  2. Start Small
  3. Safety First
  4. Education
  5. Popularity
  6. Expansion
  7. Regulations