An immortal jellyfish: Nature is amazing

08.07.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Have you ever heard that some animals don't grow old or die from natural reasons?

A few species are actually immortal, for instance, one curious kid of jellyfish.

Let's find out more.

An amazing creature

Some jellyfish, specifically the Turritopsis dohrnii species, are often referred to as "immortal jellyfish" due to their unique ability to revert their cells back to an earlier stage, essentially restarting their life cycle. 

This extraordinary process is called transdifferentiation.


When faced with unfavorable conditions or physical stress, such as aging or injury, the jellyfish can undergo a transformation where their mature cells, known as medusae, can transform back into immature cells, called polyps. 

These polyps then develop into new jellyfish, restarting the life cycle.

Nature is actually surprising

This remarkable ability sets them apart from other organisms that typically undergo a fixed life cycle with irreversible stages. 

While the term "immortal" can be misleading, as they are not truly invincible or eternal, it refers to their potential to evade natural death by continually regenerating and renewing their bodies.

This unique regenerative process has captured the attention of scientists and researchers, as it holds potential insights into cellular aging, regeneration, and the limits of mortality. 

However, it's important to note that while the jellyfish possess this extraordinary ability, it does not make them immune to predation, disease, or environmental threats.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. An amazing creature
  2. Nature is actually surprising