Interesting Facts: History of the Origin of Cats

23.10.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Domestic cats also show relatively modest genetic differences from their ancestors, meaning their brains are likely still programmed to think like a wild cat.

Where did cats come from on Earth

It is believed that the first cats were domesticated in the Middle East - traces of kinship with local indigenous species are still found in modern pets.

From there, approximately 3-4 thousand years ago, they came to Egypt (according to another theory, they were domesticated here again, for the second time).

How did domestic cats appear

It is known that the ancestor of the domestic cat was the steppe cat Felis silvestris lybica - it still lives in the steppe, desert and partly mountainous regions of Africa, Western, Central and Central Asia, Northern India, Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan.

In 2007, it was established that all modern cats originated from him.


How did people get cats

Along with grain (wheat), people have new enemies - rodents.

Then people first domesticated five steppe cats that protected grain.

They became the progenitors of all domestic cats existing today.

Then, several thousand years later, cats from Ancient Egypt began traveling on ships with traders to different countries.

Today cats live on every continent except Antarctica.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where did cats come from on Earth
  2. How did domestic cats appear
  3. How did people get cats