Interesting Facts: How Animals Help People

20.09.2023 19:15
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

These benefits are reflected in a recent American Psychiatric Association survey, which found that 86 percent of owners believe their pets have a mostly positive impact on their mental health; and that about 90 percent consider the animal part of the family.

Which animal helps humans the most

The most famous animal helpers for humans are, of course, guide dogs.

From a very early age, they are taught skills that will allow them to be a faithful and reliable companion to a blind owner.

How animals help in human life

All our pets have a positive effect on us, improving our mood and reducing stress, reducing pain and allowing us to cope with illnesses faster.

Caring for and interacting with pets teaches us to love and respect, be friends and empathize.


In addition, all this is useful at any age.

Four-legged helpers not only calm their owners, but also give them a sense of security, which also affects the quality of sleep.

In addition, animals help cope with more serious diseases - cancer, cardiovascular diseases, depression.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Which animal helps humans the most
  2. How animals help in human life