Interesting Facts: How Dogs Help People

04.08.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

A person uses dogs in various sectors of the national economy. These are shepherds, watchdogs, bloodhounds, divers, geologists, gas workers, guide dogs, border guard dogs.

How do dogs help people

Now dogs are widely used in various spheres of human life and activity: they serve in the police, work as bodyguards, rescuers, guides for blind and deaf people, etc. Dog breeders are engaged in breeding and using dogs for human needs. In all countries, there are clubs of amateur dog breeders.

In other cases, scout dogs can help find people trapped in avalanches, landslides, and collapsed buildings.

Dogs help to search for missing people in the mountains and forests, in areas of natural disasters and man-made disasters, they pull them out of fire and water. Thanks to a keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing, a dog can search a vast territory much faster than a person searches and find someone at a decisive moment.

In addition to search and rescue, wildlife biologists use sniffer dogs to locate invasive species and wildlife feces for research purposes.


According to research results, dog owners have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

In addition, pet owners have a shorter recovery period after heart surgery.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource