Interesting Facts: Why Some People Choose Animals for Communication rather than People

21.09.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The study found that millennials love their pets more than their family members and parents.

The survey involved 1,000 cat and dog owners, writes The New York Post.

Why we love animals more than people

If you believe the statistics, then the greatest emotion in a person can be caused by “fluffiness”, large eyes, softness, disproportionate size of the body in relation to the head, and so on.

Cute animals on a subconscious level evoke a desire to protect them and save them from the hardships of this world.

Animals, unlike humans, are more predictable: if they are angry, then they are angry, if they are affectionate, then they are affectionate.


Their love is unconditional; to earn it, you just need to take care of your pets and treat them kindly.

Lonely people often have pets, since a living creature, constantly nearby, brings bright colors to gray everyday life.

They need communication just as much as people do.

The emotions with which pets charge people are positive and simple.

This is the genuine joy of meeting, a ringing bark, a warm purr or a cheerful chirp.

If an animal cannot convey its feelings with sound, then it does it with the help of body language.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource